Bidding has now ended. Thank you for your participation!



(You must register to place bids or make a donation; you do not need to register to browse the auction items.)

By desktop, tablet or smartphone:

  1. Click "Register to Bid" to participate.

  2. Enter the required information.

  3. Click "Create my GiveSmart Account."


By text:

  1.  Text our campaign keyword to 76278.

  2.   Follow the prompts from the texts received.


Once registered, click the blue link within the Welcome text message or personal link button from within the Welcome email to access the campaign.



By desktop, tablet or smartphone:

  1.   Choose item - Click on the "View Items" button above.

  2.   Select an item.

  3.   Choose $ amount - Use the pre-populated minimum bid or enter a higher amount.

  4.   Click Bid

 (Auto bid - Select AUTO BID, enter the highest amount you are willing to bid. The system will place minimum bids for you as needed, up to your designated max bid amount.)


By text:

  1.  Text item number - Reply to your welcome text by texting an item number. A text with the item details and minimum bid amount will be sent.

  2.  Text item number and bid amount.  Example: "102 300" then press send.


Outbid Notification: You will receive a text message if you are outbid.

Hosted By

Oysterponds Historical Society


Orient, NY, USA

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